Blogs: Editing an Entry

Tuesday, Nov 17, 2009 at 16:06


If for some reason you make a mistake, want to make some changes, realign an image or video, or just run out of time to finish an entry, you can go into your blog and edit it at any time. Simply click in your blog that you wish to edit, and scroll down the page until you see the Edit Blog button. Clicking this button will open the Add/Edit Blog Entries page where you can now make the changes.

If you want to delete a photo, go into normal blog view (or press the Preview button at the bottom of the page) and take notice of its position (left or right) and see where it lies within the text. Go back into edit mode by clicking the Edit Blog button and look for the code tag that says [bi] with a text link and a closing [/bi]. To remove a photo from your blog, you would need to remove this whole code phrase - in other words the [bi] through to the closing [/bi]. Please ensure both [bi] and [/bi] tags are removed too. YouTube and Vimeo video codes can also be removed by searching for the code [youtube] or [vimeo], and in the same way as for the image tags above, make sure the whole code phrase is removed, including the closing tags.

We have a handy spell checker tool to automatically look for spelling errors. This function has a manual override so you have full control if for example it picks up some American words instead of Australian. To use this function, click the Spell Check button.

You can change your tag categories by clicking the currently ticked checkbox. This will remove the tick, and you can now select another category, or even select more than one category. The Comments field allows or prohibits others from making comments to your blog entry. Placing a tick allows others to make a comment, while leaving the checkbox blank prevents the comments textbox from being shown, therefore stopping others from typing in a comment. You have total control to delete and reply to comments, and you can edit your blog at any time, including turning off comments if you no longer want any more to appear (although leaving the existing ones there).

All attachments are shown (comma delimited) in the Attachments field. Although this field looks like it cannot be edited - it actually can! What this means for you is that if you no longer want a file attachment shown in your blog, simply delete the file name from this text field.
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