Blogs: Display Options

Monday, Nov 16, 2009 at 19:27


Have you ever wanted to view a gallery of all those sensational photos that are uploaded to blogs - well you can with Photo View! When you click into any of the blog pages (i.e. Index, By Tag, or MyBlog), you will see some buttons under the ‘Display Options’ title. The Index View button is the default view and represents the standard blog list view in rows (similar to the forum). You can adjust the ‘Number of Blogs per Page’ by clicking on the drop down list. The default number is 25, but this can be decreased to 10, and increased to 50 and 100 respectfully. Keeping the ‘Open blogs in new window/tab’ checkbox allows blogs to be opened in either a new tab for the newer browsers or a new window for the older browsers.

Now for the cool button - the Photo View. This view provides a gallery of all the photos and graphic images in our blogs system. The default view is 24 images as shown in the ‘Number of Images per Page’ drop down list. This provides a 4 image wide, 6 image deep gallery, but this value can be decreased to 12 images (4 x 3), or increased to 48 images (4 x 12), and 96 images (12 x 24). Each gallery image gives you the image title/description and the link to the blog the image is featured in - just click the Open Blog link to get there. Clicking an image opens it in a popular gallery control viewer called Lightbox. This allows images to be easily slide-showed by hovering on the left or right of the image and clicking the word Prev or Next that appears in the middle of the left or right hand side respectively. For convenience, you can also click your keyboard left and right arrow keys. Click away (or outside) of the image or click the Close X button to exit out of Lightbox.
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