EOTopo History: 09 Oct 2013 - 2013.1 (Online)

Wednesday, Oct 09, 2013 at 15:55


The online mapping server now supports the latest version of EOTopo. This new map set integrates the latest topographic map data for the whole of Australia with DEM Shaded Relief and ExplorOz data to produce the latest series of online topographic maps available for Australia.

Release 2013.1 includes the full unfiltered GeoScience S3 Topo 250K data, SRTM DEM data and ExplorOz places data. This new topographic map set has been designed to scale best at 1:200,000 and is customised to render on electronic devices. Additionally the maps have been set-up for the best possible rendition of road data to suit on & off road based travellers.

Paper specific data has been removed such as grid lines, map indexes and graticule's to keep the maps clean and free of elements that are not needed for maps used in digital devices

The addition of altitude colour, slope & hill shaded relief is a first in Australian online topographic mapping and provides a 3D look to a 2D map.

The ExplorOz Treks road network has also been added to the map set to provide the latest updated road network for ExplorOz supported treks. The treks data is supported via a dashed purple line. UHF repeaters and several other Places data layers have been integrated to ensure the positional data is as accurate and updated as possible.

Additionally the ExplorOz tile server that renders the data to the Internet has been updated to support the latest methods of tile generation via the production of tile grids on request. The tile grids are a 5 x 5 tile image that is then cut into the 25 separate 256x256 standard tiles. This method ensures the best possible label layout and a consistent colour blend across a range of tiles.

If you want to have a good look at the latest map set check out EOTopo Full Screen. This now replaces the base map layer shown in ExplorOz Places (and also ExplorOz Trek Notes, User Treks, EOTrackMe, Shop, and all mapping outputs) in topo view.
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