Members: How do I Unsubscribe to ExplorOz Newsletters?

Friday, Oct 03, 2008 at 14:33


If you have an old or current newsletter addressed to you, simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter where it says ‘Change your profile or remove: Subscriptions' and click the 'Subscriptions' link. This will take you to your profile page. Where it says 'Subscribed To', untick the checkbox next to 'User Newsletter' and then click the 'Update' button below.

If you don't have an old newsletter addressed to you in your email inbox but you do have a membership registration with ExplorOz, then you can edit your profile details by clicking the little blue house titled 'My Home' in the right-hand side of the grey bar, then click 'My Email' and where it says 'Subscribed To', untick the checkbox next to 'User Newsletter' and then click the 'Update' button below.

PLEASE NOTE: ExplorOz is working hard to convert all the webpages and functions from the older .asp technology to the newer .aspx format. Unfortunately, there can be .asp to .aspx clashes which may hinder the display of pages and the proper running of functions that still use the older .asp technology. In other words, you may experience or encounter undesired results or strange error messages. If this is the case, we do have a work-around for the time being where you can refresh the page or click say the 'Edit' button three or more times. This forces the server to eventually render the older .asp code and display the page without error. Sorry for the inconvenience and we hope to have these issues corrected in the near future.
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