Address & Contact Edit
Gould Creek
Peak Hill WA 6642
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Mount Gould Police Station is significant for the associations with the pastoralists from the 1880s, evidencing a distinctive way of life for the police officers and the pastoralists of the region.
The Mount Gould Police Station opened in the 1880s as a centre for police protection for Murchison pastoralists. In the late 1890s early 1900s, the police were concerned with checking cattle and sheep killing by the local Aboriginals. The buildings consist of the main station, which originally had a separate kitchen, lock-up, stone lined
well and a grave. Iron bars, to which prisoners were chained, are still set in the walls of the lock-up.
The Mt Gould police station restoration was completed in June 1987 and is dedicated to all the pioneers who settled the district.
The site consists of two buildings closely associated in an otherwise isolated location. The larger of the two buildings is rectangular in form and evidences a central corridor with rooms each side. The smaller is square in form and is the lockup with vertical steel bars to the window openings. The floor is earthen. Both buildings have perimeter verandas supported by bush timber posts, under the main roof.
The lookup features magnificent
views to Mt Gould itself, which although attractive are experiencing changes due to mining activity.