Nullagine - WA



DEG: -21.89057 120.11026
DMS: 21º 53' 26.05" S 120º 06' 36.94" E
UTM: 51 K 7576476mN 201398mE
Altitude: 379.77m


Place Type

Population - Town


88.26kms SouthEast of Marble Bar - Driving 112 km (1 hour 42 mins)
167.12kms North of Newman - Driving 192 km (2 hours 42 mins)
255.34kms East of Tom Price - Driving 391 km (6 hours 32 mins)
619.8kms SouthWest of Yungngora - Driving 1194 km (19 hours 12 mins)

Address & Contact

Marble Bar Rd
Nullagine WA 6758
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Nullagine is a former goldming town located on the Great Northern Highway. It is 1186 km north of Perth and 189km north of Newman. Nullagine is the local Aboriginal name for the river that runs through the centre of the town.

Nullagine was caught up in the Pilbara Goldrush in the 1880s and 1890s. In 1902 Nullagine was the site of Australia's first discovery of diamonds. Although it once had a population of 3000 it is today a small, isolated community servicing a few locals, and the passing tourists.

There are some interesting relics left over from the goldrush and many people believe there are still great riches to be found in the area so fosicking is the major tourism drawcard today. In fact, there is no denying that the area around Nullagine is rich in all kinds of minerals. Prospectors and fossickers regularly find agate, asbestos, antimony, beryl, chalcedony, copper, jade, jasper, manganese, tiger eye and wolfram.

The town is currently going through another mining boom with the setup of new drilling and mine activities including gold, copper, iron ore and diamonds.

The area shows spectacular ancient mountain ranges and endless spinifex, and there are plenty of waterholes for the adventurous to discover, including Beatons Creek Gorge, Garden and Daylight Pools.

Nullagine townsite lies alongside the Cajuput Creek, which is an arm of the Nullagine River. The main trade in Nullagine is fossickers and passing tourists and town consists of little more than the Conglomerate Hotel, Roadhouse, Police Station, local school, and Caravan Park. Legend has it that in Nullagine a local stubbed his toe on a 20 ounce nugget of gold when walking down the main street!
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Closest Weather Station

Marble Bar at 03/02:30am WST
Distance from Nullagine 87.75km NW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Marble Bar
Distance from Nullagine 87.75km NW
Mean Max. °C41.439.437.
Mean Min. °C26.726.224.922.116.913.
Mean Rain mm70.686.980.918.613.427.919.

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