Seisia (pronounced Say See Ya), is where most people visiting
Cape York will stay on their great journey to
the tip of Australia. This multicultural community is in fact Australia's most northerly one but with a
population of around 200 people it is very small. Locals here are referred to as Torres Strait Islanders.
Visitors can
camp on the beachfront at Seisia at the
Seisia Holiday Park (caravan park) or further up at Loyalty Beach
campground. Fishing is very popular from the Seisia wharf and the area is widely used for boating and fishing. Visitors can launch their own, hire a boat, or take a tour out to Thursday Island or just in the waters of the Torres Straits. It all happens at the Seisia Wharf.
Services in Seisia include the BP Seisia Service Station, a
Supermarket, Kiosk, the Meatworks, and the Fishing Club.
RV drop point, opposite servo in Tunema St, just to left of
public toilets. Byo
toilet paper!
Drinking water top up available at servo.