Leinster W.A and Google Earth

Submitted: Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 22:02
ThreadID: 56835 Views:2870 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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If you open Google Earth and type in " Leinster WA " the map takes you to a point along the Wiluna/Leinster road which is in the middle of nowhere - no sign of any habitation.

If you then type in " 253647.75E 6901068.16S " and zoom into about 400 - 500m you see a collection of buildings alongside one of the many open cast mines - Is this the 'actual' Leinster??

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Reply By: Member - Tony N (WA) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 22:26

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 22:26
hey Kiwi that was my home for 12 mths.MANY happy memories
Cheers Tony N
Dum_Spiro_Spero."While I breathe, I hope"

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AnswerID: 299537

Reply By: Member - Dennis P (Scotland) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 22:51

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 22:51
Hi Kiwi,

Nope, that is not Lienster, only way I could actually find it was to 'travel' up the Goldfields Highway from Leonora.
Lienster is about 27degrees 55'00.56"S and 120degrees 44'49.44"E.
Those other co-ordinates you gave did not bring any results.
The 'Lienster' that comes up on the search shows it as being over near Agnew, a long way from where it actually is.
Hope you can make sense of this, I confused myself reading it back, lol.

AnswerID: 299541

Reply By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:49

Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:49
Leinster in Places says it 120.69732 -27.91327 - the satellite image available from google in this area does not have much zoom however this position is most certainly the town. As for a lat/long in the Google projection using EPSG:900913 the lat/long is -3238105 13435817.

Good luck.

PS: I have just loaded a whole new set of maps into places and have rebuilt the entire online Topo250 library and improved support for different views betwen Google layers and Topo in places so have a look. It is a pity that the Google satellite images available to us are not that good in this area.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
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AnswerID: 299600

Reply By: Member - Doug T (FNQ) - Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 14:58

Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 14:58
The town of Leinster is in old photo's and you won't see anything

S27 54 47.9 E120 41 50.4

Your looking at a Mine.


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AnswerID: 299633

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