Submitted: Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 14:16
ThreadID: 52822 Views:2771 Replies:6 FollowUps:15
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I am sure there are a number of us planning on 'doing' the CSR in 2008. I know I am.

My problem is I don't at this stage have anyone that I know who is doing it and I don't want to tackle it on my own.

Yes I know there are MANY professional groups who do 'tag-along tours' but I am trying to avoid the $2 - $3K they, quite rightly, charge.

I don't have long pockets and short arms for no good reason :-))))

Anyone doing it who would like a well trained, good natured, Kiwi in a well appointed Nissan as company???? - If you say yes I will even allow the group to tell one sheep joke a day (but only one!!) at my expense.
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Reply By: Member - Lionel A (WA) - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 14:54

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 14:54
Gidday KA,
Check out Trips and Gatherings. CSR being done in July next year. Doing Tanami and Gunbarrel as well, but if you only have the time for the CSR, just maybe do that part.

More the merrier,

AnswerID: 278264

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen F (VIC) - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:07

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:07
G'day Lionel the trips and gathering page that i can find shows only the next 120 days.
No mention of your little adventure.


FollowupID: 542329

Follow Up By: Kev & Darkie - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:16

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:16

Have a look here

It will show all the upcomming trips and gatherings.

Cheers Kev
Russell Coight:
He was presented with a difficult decision: push on into the stretching deserts, or return home to his wife.

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FollowupID: 542331

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen F (VIC) - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:19

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:19

You are a bloody legend they should (exploreoz) give you a pay rise.


FollowupID: 542333

Follow Up By: Member - RFLundgren (WA) - Wednesday, Jan 02, 2008 at 10:47

Wednesday, Jan 02, 2008 at 10:47
Hey Kiwi

I have the trip on for this year in the trips and gatherings section. Yes we are looking at the CSR / Tanami / Gunbarrel, but that would be for anyone in the West. For the Eastern Staters the trip would conclude at Uluru and then people could make their own way to where they have to return to from there.

In total the trip is going to be approximately 5 weeks and cover about 10000 - 12000 kms.

Currently getting expressions of interest prior to firming up definite numbers sometime in March, which will give enough time for permits, fule drop arranging etc etc.

Drop me en email or MM if you like and I can give you some further information. The fact that you are in a Nissan already gives you a head :)



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FollowupID: 543469

Reply By: Footloose - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 14:57

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 14:57
I'm sure you'll find someone if you remember not to start every second sentence with "in Neew Zeland " :))
If not just hang at the start of the track. Many individuals and groups would love the extra company.
AnswerID: 278266

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 18:47

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 18:47
I have been in Ozzie since 2000 so I am more likely to start a conversation with:

' Gidday Robbo, I will see ya this arvo down at the servo and we can go shooting some roos down at the billabong but have to be careful, dont want any accidents and have to call the ambos"

FollowupID: 542314

Follow Up By: Member - Lionel A (WA) - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 19:32

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 19:32
Hey Footy,
Back in the 70's I remember there was a large population movement of Kiwis to Australia. The then Prime Minister of NZ Rob Muldoon, when asked if he was concerned about the situation, replied : " No, it increases the IQ level of both countries".......hehehe......

Cheers mate.....Lionel.
FollowupID: 542320

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Tuesday, Dec 25, 2007 at 04:36

Tuesday, Dec 25, 2007 at 04:36
Hay Lionel

did he have any thing other to say? maybe in short stuff em they voted ME in I can do what I wont... LOL


FollowupID: 542376

Reply By: Member - dock - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 15:55

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 15:55
Did the CSR in August this year with a group from my 4WD club and loved it So perhaps contacting and joining your local club or a club that is doing it is worth considering.

We passed a few who were doing it on their own. Some that looked extremely capable and competent and one that looked like an accident waiting to happen. Each to their own. Reckon it would be best to travel with others as it isn't that it is extremely hard but that it's very isolated if you should break down or have trouble especially if you have not done it before.

The permit was an absolute crock. No information that you don't already know except to say where you can't go or even why you can't go, no maps or anything of value that you can't get off a search on the net. They (ANFWDC) need to get their act together to show that the permit is doing something for the CSR or else it will be seen as a bureaucratic farce

My take on the road conditions were that it was 1/3 corrugations, 1/3 sand dunes and 1/3 rough tracks and claypans etc. Not a lot of fauna except for bloody camels but magnificent wildflowers and shrubs. Plenty of water for showers etc (shower every second day) from restored wells with a couple that were suitable for drinking

Hope this helps

AnswerID: 278274

Reply By: Member - Stephen F (VIC) - Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:13

Monday, Dec 24, 2007 at 20:13
Evening Kiwi, mate i would love to have a chat with you about this sort of trip, like you looked into tag along but too bloody much.
What state you in maybe we can catch up.

Send us an email:


AnswerID: 278307

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Tuesday, Dec 25, 2007 at 00:37

Tuesday, Dec 25, 2007 at 00:37

I am in Wagga Wagga (NSW)

I have sent you an e-mail
FollowupID: 542374

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Wednesday, Jan 02, 2008 at 09:05

Wednesday, Jan 02, 2008 at 09:05

I have send a 2nd e-mail - did you recieve the 1st one?
FollowupID: 543458

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Jan 02, 2008 at 09:56

Wednesday, Jan 02, 2008 at 09:56
how much are you expecting cost wise, and time wise for this sort of trip?
Wanna start some trips like this myself before everythign is closed or tar highways in aussie.
AnswerID: 279312

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:03

Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:03

Good question

In my case, using the data off the ExplorOz website, as at today based on 4 cylinder TD (average useages)

12000kms at 14lt/100km (average useage for all trips) @ $1.53/lt (average national fuel price) and allow additional 10% = approx $800 for fuel

Who wants to add costs of food, incidentals, permits, camp fees and unforseen to this?
FollowupID: 543653

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:09

Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:09
In regard to the time - if you scroll up to a previous reply from the trip organiser he states:

: ...snipped...In total the trip is going to be approximately 5 weeks and cover about 10000 - 12000 kms....."

I am guessing that would NOT include the additional kilometers to get to, and from, the start/finish locations
FollowupID: 543654

Follow Up By: Member - RFLundgren (WA) - Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:33

Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:33

That approximation is Perth to Perth. The Eastern Staters would have to add the additional kms on. I can tell you that Melbourne to Melbourne would add approximately an additional 3000 - 4000 kms, and a little more again from Sydney.



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FollowupID: 543657

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:40

Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:40
Truckster/ KiwiAngler

3 weeks on the Canning Stock Route would be doing it easy and that includes 4 days that you don't move from camp. The trip can be longer if you wanted to have more rest days.

When i do the Canning the convey does an average of 100klm per day and that is about 3 wells per day.

Fuel, and going on last year prices, $2.80lt at well 33, if they have it. Last year they were down to there last 2000lts of diesel and were not sure when they were getting more fuel. At best they only get a delivery every 10 days, so it would have been a long wait.
The fuel drop at Well 23 was $2.45lt and that has to be booked and paid for 6 weeks in advance.

I start at Wiluna with full tanks, 280lt, take on 200lt at Well 23, and that will get me through to Billiluna with some fuel to spare. I also take empty jerry cans (5) to empty the 200lt drum at Well 23. You will not use 200lts by the time that you get there but will need the fuel further down the track.

This trip takes a bit of planning and you can not have enough information. The information on this site is great and I have used the pace notes and they are also spot on.

FollowupID: 543658

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 09:52

Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 09:52
Happy New Year Wayne

Thanks for the detail above - REALLY good factual and first hand stuff

I knew giving that winch cable to a 'good home' would be good 'karma' - :-)))))))))
FollowupID: 543667

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 11:40

Thursday, Jan 03, 2008 at 11:40

Could you please contact me via e-mail:

I would like to talk to you about someting off line
FollowupID: 543689

Reply By: KiwiAngler - Sunday, Jan 13, 2008 at 16:33

Sunday, Jan 13, 2008 at 16:33
If I was to look at 'doing the CSR" on my own for whatever reason

What would the 'ettiquette' be if I was to 'park up' at the start of the CSR and wait for a small group (say 3 or 4 vehicles - no more) of travellers to come by and see if I could join their group.

I have asked myself this question and had the following lengthy and often emotional discussion with myself :-)

If I and a group of friends that I had just spent 12months planning the trip were asked if an 'outsider' could join us I would probably say yes out of courtesy but would also 'probably' feel a bit miffed.

I would worry about who this person is?

Will he upset the 'dynamics' of a group who have already probably sorted out the trip rules

Interested in your thoughts on this topic as I am sure there are others on the site that, at times, for whatever reason, are forced into doing such treks on their own.

Please no - " it is dangerous, you shouldnt tackle this on your own, people die etc etc debates "
I am FULLY aware of those issues THAT is why I am asking this question and also why I have spent $1000's on the maintenace of my vehicle, safety equipment, long range fuel and water tanks etc etc

AnswerID: 281403

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