Saturday, Dec 31, 2005 at 09:09
Park so that you have an easy departure route and have few impediments to moving off [ such as stong rope tiedowns ] . This allows for partial incapacitations such as burnt hands , bites and breaks .
For walking on your own ; have a miniature survival kit .
Mine is a pocket knife pouch which holds a magnesium and flint fire starter . I have araldited a miniature compass to the fire starter . To scrape the flint I separately always carry a small light weight folding knife which clips to a pocket . For planned longer walks a day pack with all the goodies is in order , but for the unplanned walk I at least have fire , navigation and a knife . For the compass to be useful , get into the habit of using it to orientate yourself when you set up
camp .
For a day pack ; after the usual water and snack , think about the unplanned night out [space blanket , aluminium dixie and soup packet ] and the major disaster [ signalling , water procuring , food trapping , and medical ]
EPIRB- The best value $239 on the planet .
Knowledge . Read up on the EPIRB , survival techniques , and basic vehicle trouble shooting . Know your vehicle limits and work at your navigation .
And have a loverly day every day