Monday, Sep 09, 2019 at 22:15
Screws are invariably used to hold removable things on. If you have actually removed both of them and the striker remains in place it may be rusted on. Prise it off with a cold chisel or large flat-blade screwdriver. It MUST come off to be cleaned up before adjustment. Maybe soak with RP7 or similar first.
Also, following removal it will be necessary to free the internal sliding plate to allow adjustment to be achieved. Again, soak with RP7 then put the screws back in not fully and administer a few light taps taps on the screw heads. Be gentle, the housing that retains the plate may be weakened with rust and you don't want to rupture it and send the plate to the bottom of the pillar.
If you did rupture the retaining housing or you feel at risk of losing the plate, there is a workaround. Tighten the bottom screw to hold the plate in place. Remove the top screw then place it through the top hole of the striker and re-insert the screw into the top hole and lightly tighten it. Now remove the bottom screw, swing the plate into position and the refit the screw. With both screws only lightly tightened you are in position to adjust the latch and fully tighten the screws. This procedure ensures that there is at least one screw holding the plate at all times.
Also observe the striker carefully when off. In my case the 'loop' had cracked at one end and required re-welding before refitting and adjusting.