Arranged By: Kempen
Start Date: 06 Jul 2007
End Date: 06 Jul 2007
Updated: 11 Jun 2006
Attendance: 66


Lets gather at Warraweena Station Conservation Park in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia at the start of the South Australia (and other states) School Holidays from 7 July 2007.

Warraweena features large camping areas, firewood, long drops, water, hot showers at homestead, and 6 very good 4x4 tracks...something to test your skills on.

I am sure we will be able to get a good show on the road as long as Andrew MacDonald does NOT do a rain dance!

Make bookings with Stony or Gina Steiner or phone 08 86752770

Stony advises:
I have reserved one big camp area for members and visitors.

Exploroz Members and visitors who make a booking will be offered the discounted price of;

$60 per vehicle per two nights
$90 per vehicle per three nights
$110 per vehicle for four nights
$130 per vehicle for five nights

This price includes camping and the use of all open tracks (no extra costs for tracks, normally $40per vehicle per track) and the use of shower and flush toilet facilities at the Homestead as well as access to water and some firewood.

I will be organising a Bush Dance for the Saturday night and also hope to attract a couple of yarn spinners along.

Daily trips on the tracks will take place with myself and others as trip leaders with a maximim of 10 vehicles per convoy

Registration & Attendance (66)


ID ScreenName No. Names Comments
V159985 Alan H 1 Arranging Member
V160316 Steve R1 1 Sounds good Willie, but a bit early to say it fits with the rest of what is happening about. Sure you understand. Warraweena is a good large wildlife park and plenty to look around to.
V84668 Cornel B 1 Sounds great. How long will it take from Brisbane to get out there?
M579 Bonz (Vic) 1 I think I can wqangle a weekend and a bit off
V11924 System Admin 1 All being well, we'll be there.
V54784 Chris D at Newcastle 1 Willem, we would like to put our names down for Warraweena.
V101019 System Admin 1 Will try to arrange our lives to be there. Sounds like my kind of place.
V38223 vivien C (V 1 That sounds great and unless something important prevents us, we will be there. Really looking forward to it
V111302 Birdsville Caravan Park 1 We are able to come!! Yes! Not far down the track for us. Yippee.
V75854 System Admin 1 Sounds like a great plan.
V30891 Michael J ( 1 Willem if all goes to plan should be retired, again, by then. Pencil us in please.
V35871 Pete and Lez S.A. 1 Very good chance, good to catch up again
V110903 Barnes 1 Will swing things by the hubby, our latest bub will be nearly 5 months old by then so we could be there,how long for??pencil us in for now...
V160473 johlaine 1 Sounds great Willem, my busy time of year but should be able to grab a few days away, and on my backdoor step so to speak. Will be great to catch old EO friends again and meet some new.
V37962 Muddies Doe(Trippn) 1 Hi Willem & Judith Count Muddy and I in too. I'm sure we'll be there, well I know I will be!!!
V6167 Phil G 1 Hi Willem, I'll be a good chance to make it - its pencilled in the diary! Thanks for putting it up. Cheers phil.
V160055 Timbo 1 If all that bluddy lot are coming, I'd better come too to keep thinks in order.
V22373 GazzaS 1 Sounds good to me - pencilled in the diary
V161614 Jacky Boy 1 Would love to attend
V27848 Rick (S.A.) 1 Yo, me 2.
V160474 Carolyn 1 We'll be there with bells on!! Myself, Anita and the 3 girls.
V44360 HelenaB 1 I think we can make it too - my son and I anyway - look forward to it!
V161261 Wabcab 1 We maybe able to make it, given its on a school holiday. Its a long way off but we should be there.
M2546 Member -Toonfish 1 toonies lot will be there for sure we are in cant wait
M1019 Copper Coasters 1 At this stage I should be able to get a day or 2 off and we should be there.
V14707 navaraman 1 Patrolman Pat might be there too. I'm doing a club trip to the painted desert just not sure if I'll be in the Flinders that weekend or the one after. I'll know for sure just after Xmas.
V54313 RayJen 1 Hi Willem: we are planning to come, mainly to keep Des Lexic under control.
V13029 Glenn P3 1 Hope to be there, Staffs Wife is a chalky so it may put a fly in the ointment but will give it our best shot.
V50523 4wdNewbie 1 Would be a fun first outting. Sure ide learn a bundle as well. Would it be ok if i brought a mate or 2? The trip from Syd to SA would be kinda lonely otherwise...
V160277 steve 1 Happy New Year Willem. We were planning a trip via the flinders to the Simpson. Sounds like a great way to start the trip.
V96743 aussichef ( 1 Barb & i would love to Attend Willem will be good to catch up with everyone work permitting that is lol warren & barb
V38345 Toytruck 1 looks like we got us a convoy. Best count us in toooo. Will be good to put some faces to some of the names.
V52574 olcoolone 1 Put us down for 2 people
V161413 gerryqc 1 yes for us willem with luck we should be on our round oz trip finnally so sounds like it will be great place to meet up
V26717 trendy 1 Too many mexicans on this gathering, so I will try to even up numbers with an onslaught of QLDr's. See you there!!! without my family :-((( (SWMBO will be 8mths pregga's)
V161583 The Channo's 1 OK you've got us, we are in!
V31100 Tim J1 1 Looking good at the moment so we should be there.
V160838 GoinThere 1 Leigh and I will see you all there
V49679 Rossco60series 1 Hi Willem SWMBO and I will be there
V106417 Pitbull1 1 Sounds like a party so look out another Qlder is joining in :)
V42200 Alastair D 1 Willem, Hope to soon retire and have time for things like this. Wife and I plan to be there and put faces to the many names.
M2087 MUZBRY- Life member(Vic) 1 Bugger.....I just deleted myself..........My son and i will, at the moment , be coming. We have to go to Adelaide first and then up to the big weekend away..
V4589 System Admin 1 I cannot let Bonz be there 'unsupervised' , so SWMBO and my good self will be there
V27762 System Admin 1 We will try and get there, it will depend on my roster. Also depends on getting our new CT. Bring some firewater coz it might be a bit cold
V10073 Jezza 1 We're planning on being there (my wife, 2 kids and me). Good opportunity to visit the Flinders Ranges. Cheers.
V111022 - Luke (SA) 1 We will be there Willem, have pretty much gotten the time off from work Cheers
V29115 System Admin 1 Yeah, what the hell. Count me in. Plenty going that I havent seen for a while. Shame that Willem will be there though....... LOL
V161123 AD Hamilton 1 Jeesh will there be any room left for me and the family?? Hope to see you all there.
V160400 rossjd 1 I hope you lot dont snore....its gunna be bloody noisey if you all do!
V160654 Scott & Suzie 1 What the heck, My two boys will love it, i'll be there!!!
V59551 F Liackman - NSW 1 Plan to be there
V35111 Twinkles 1 I'd like to attend. Maybe in the area with another vehicle at that time. How many days will you be there?
V18702 System Admin 1 Hey Willem, we will be coming now, we have decided to do the Flinders this year and make the gathering as part of our trip, we will make our bookings for Warraweena tomorrow !!!
M2856 Robin Miller 1 I will be there with family (3) - looking forward to meeting some new faces.
V42625 Dennis Bromley 1 I will be going with robin follwing me I hope he doesn't hold me up because of his need to fill up at every town.
M3014 MadCowz-lifemember (VIC) 1 I reckon we'll be there, all 3 generations!!!
V160315 Col_WA 1 Looks like SWMBO & self will be able to get away around that time:)) .. We shall include Warraweena in our itinerary:)
V6308 Moggs 1 We will be at Arkaroola from the 5th to the 8th so will try and cover the 130kms approx. to drop down to say g'day on the Sat arvo.
V16933 System Admin 1 Finally got my leave sorted ! Just not sure if I will be solo or with the family at this stage.
M3014 MadCowz-lifemember (VIC) 1 I said yes as a visitor, now I'll say yes as a member!!!
V59343 zapme 1 Hey Willem,look forward to meeting with your crew we wimped out and are staying at the homestead with several little ones see you on the tracks i have heard they can be a little interesting
V59427 System Admin 1 We might pop in for a quick overnight visit on our way to Painted Desert
V16065 System Admin 1 We are coming and look forward to putting faces to many familiar forumite names. Coming are: wife, myself and two kids, Rachelle (14) and Brent (18). Arriving Saturday and will probably stay 4 or 5 days.
V38736 System Admin 1 Hope to be there so you can see our " Ultimate " achievement ( little baby Hayley ) Will be good to catch up with the Muddie, Pesty, Roaches again!!!
V16772 fourplayfull 1 Gosh! - just have to be there to hear the "muck up awards"
V110817 Sheridan 1 I am coming

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