Address & Contact Edit
Mapoon QLD 4874
Phone: 07 4069 1369
Email: N/A
This is the site of the vehicle barge that crosses the
Jardine River. The river usually runs at 4m deep at the ferry crossing with a fair current. For this reason everyone now crosses the river via the ferry and not by driving across the river as was done in the past (the former crossing site is further upstream where the Overland Telegraph Track meets the river).
The ferry runs on demand during business hours, but there is a
campground facility at the ferry site, right on the river. Fuel (diesel and unleaded - no lpg) is also available.
For the latest prices and details on the
Jardine Ferry Service please refer to receipt will act as a permit to
camp in bush campsites only, maintained campsites (eg.
Punsand Bay, Alau Beach, Loyalty Beach or
Seisia Campgrounds) will require further payment. You will receive an information booklet, a rubbish bag and your receipt, which is required for the return journey (there is no one-way ticket price).
Once you've taken the ferry across the
Jardine its not far into
Bamaga or further up to Seisa, the most northern town in Australia. Both towns have all facilities and supplies.