Camooweal Billabong Camp Area - QLD

Place Satellite Image
  Camp Free


DEG: -19.922777 138.110275
DMS: 19º 55' 22" S 138º 06' 36.99" E
UTM: 54 K 7794463mN 197473mE
Altitude: 228.43m


Address & Contact

Barkly Hwy
Camooweal NT 0862
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


There are two camping areas. The first is immediately on the south side of the bridge over the Georgina River. Camping is available beside a billabong or near the old low level road that gives access from both sides. Approaching from the west, turn immediately before the bridge and then turn left. There are rubbish bins in this area.
A more extensive area with superior billabong views is further down stream. After turning off the highway proceed over a cattle grid. Then take one of several tracks to the left. They lead to a dirt road that runs the length of a long billabong that is home to many water birds and water lillies. Early arrivals will chose sites between the road and billabong but there are plenty of sites on the other side of the road for late comers with water views still to be had between the earlier arrivals who seem to give each other a fair bit of space.
There are no water or toilet facilities at either location. The area near the road is a short walk to town but the main area is a long walk or a drive.
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Closest Weather Station

Camooweal at 14/10:00am EST
Distance from Camooweal Billabong Camp Area 1.16km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Camooweal Township
Distance from Camooweal Billabong Camp Area 1.16km E
Mean Max. °C37.336.
Mean Min. °C24.323.721.718.
Mean Rain mm99.193.254.914.411.

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