Address & Contact Edit
Warakurna WA 0872
Phone: +618 8956 7358
Email: N/A
In recent years, the Bureau of Meteorology has been automating its network of regional weather stations, all but ending a 100-year tradition of field officers observing weather in the bush. There is, however, one remarkable exception. Giles Weather Station is located near the border of the Northern Territory and Western Australia, and is
home to just three weather observers stationed there on six-month rotations.
It is now the last staffed regional weather station on the Australian mainland.
The Giles Weather Station is based at Warakurna Community found along the
Great Central Road. Tours of the facility are no longer possible due to cut backs in staffing numbers however visitors can view the daily release of the observation balloon at 8.45am CST from the Weather Station
Named in honour of pioneer explorer Ernest Giles, the station was established in 1956 to provide weather data for weapons and rocket testing programs.