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Blue Rag Range Track
VIC 3862
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On the way out via the
Dargo High Plains Rd you can take a challenging but spectacular ridge top run out the
Blue Rag Range to the Blue Rag Trig Point. An amazing track that follows a ridge with staggering drops to both sides in
places of a thousand feet to the valleys below, this is possibly the best ridge top drive in the state. The trig point at 1718m ASL provides a 360 degree panorama of the country recently travelled and of Hotham, Feathertop and the
Bogong complex.
The bushfire damage to the snowgums here will be a stark reminder of their ferocity in 2003 for many years to come. The regrowth will be a reminder of the tenacity of the snowgums as the 400-500 year old tubers under the soil sprout again at the base of the dead trees, repeating a cycle they may have already undertaken 7-8 times in their lifespan.
One of the best tracks you will find in the high country, the scenery is just magnificent.