Address & Contact Edit
12 Griffith St
Sandstone WA 6639
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
Located 157 km east of
Mount Magnet and 661 km north of
Perth, Sandstone is a
heritage town in the lower Murchison District. The landscape although harsh, is picturesque with numerous breakaways.
Sandstone started life as a boom goldrush town in the late 1890s but by 1919 it had become a virtual ghost town. Consequently the history of the town is very much the history of the East Murchison - the discovery of gold, the sudden influx of miners, the dreams of a town that would last forever, the sudden decline in the goldfields, the disappearance of the
population, and the town settling down to become a small centre for the surrounding pastoral leases.
Sandstone once again supports mining but now also tourism.
Visitors today will enjoy a few
heritage buildings in the main street and a wonderful self-drive
Heritage Trail (obtain maps from
post office). Simply follow the signs on good dirt roads to view
the Brewery, State Battery,
London Bridge, &
Contradiction Well.