Having a visitor in bed.!

Submitted: Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 15:43
ThreadID: 82490 Views:4312 Replies:9 FollowUps:4
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One of the guys at work had a snake removed from his property recently by a " certified'' snake remover. While having a quick chat later with the guy, he told him of one that he had recently removed from a house at Batemans Bay.
The owner of the house was in having a shower and came out to get dressed and saw this odd looking black head sneaking out from the water bed, it turned out to be a 6ft red belly and God only knows how long it had been sleeping with them for.!! ( I guess the warmer in the bed had attracted it during the cooler weather.!)

cheers Unc
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Reply By: Diesel 'n Dust - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 16:10

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 16:10
Holy ....!!!!!
Matthew Clements
I just love the Pilbara!

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AnswerID: 435954

Reply By: Member - Ed C (QLD) - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 16:23

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 16:23
One way of gettin' rid o' the mice, I guess..............................


Confucius say.....
"He who lie underneath automobile with tool in hand,
....Not necessarily mechanic!!"

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AnswerID: 435955

Reply By: Road Warrior - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 18:16

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 18:16
Holy crap that's a close call.

I remember when I was a little tacker a couple of Dugites got into our lounge room once...Mum gave it what for with my old man's .303 bayonet attachment.

Then quite a number of years later one or two of them got into the cocky's cage via the mice tunnels looking for a feed...needless to say cocky boy wasn't too impressed.
AnswerID: 435971

Reply By: Member - Josh (TAS) - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 18:25

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 18:25
Growing up as a kid on the farm we had an external toilet attached to the house. My sister was taking care of bussiness when she started screaming. Dad opened the door to see a red belly black pull his head back under the wall were the masonite didn't quite meet the floor. I thought it was so funny but boy did my sister give me a flogging when she finally got of the dunny. Never had one in the bed though and wouldn't want one either.

AnswerID: 435972

Reply By: Member - Duncs - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:06

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:06
As a young bloke camping in the Royal National Park I once watched my Scout Master pull his sleeping bag out of the tent and turn it inside out to air.

He went very pale when a red bellied black fell at his feet. Thankfully it was pack up day and I did not have to crawl into a sleeping bag that night.

AnswerID: 435992

Follow Up By: Member - Joe F (WA) - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:49

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:49
Image Could Not Be Found

G'day all

Earlier this year I had this beautiful but quite deadly creature pay me a visit, I usually don't get to much of an uprate in my heart beat, but this bloke actually scared the proverbial out of me not because it was a snake and not because it literally came close enough for me to step on it ~ but because of the fact that I was about four hours from my home town ~ Newman.

I was thuroughly engrossed ~ marking out positions of the Pebble Mouse mound sites along both sides of the now recognized track into the Hickman Meteorite Crater.

I was careful enough not to walk over the active mouse mound, but not wise enough to think this bloke or any of his mates might be feeding on the mice living below ground, all I could do was wait until the snake decided to move away, I always carry a small camera with me, so I was fortunate to capture this image.
This Mulga snake was around 5 feet in length and capable of inflicting a potentially fatal bite.
FollowupID: 707192

Reply By: Fred G NSW - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:17

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:17
I was wondering where the 'snake in the bed' story was going unc. :-)))))

Could'da been worse mate.

Take a seat "Ladies & Gents"
AnswerID: 435995

Follow Up By: Fred G NSW - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:18

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:18
Keep the lid down boys LOL LOL
FollowupID: 707186

Follow Up By: Member - Uncle (NSW) - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:25

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 20:25
Fred , I actually asked how often the bed was made?? lol
FollowupID: 707188

Reply By: Capt. Wrongway - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 22:12

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 22:12
It's funny you mention Batemans Bay. Many years ago, while camping on a mate's property down the Bay, I bought a RBB snake home with me in my sleeping bag. It must have got in there before we packed everything up. It was about 3ft long, and I found it dead in the bag about 2 months later. It sure got everyone checking their bags that weekend, including me.
AnswerID: 436006

Reply By: BuggerBoggedAgain - Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 22:32

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010 at 22:32
Back in 1988 whilst in Arty, our Regt. was doing it tough in Singleton. At roll call we were having our names ticked off when Gnr Smith didn't appear to be with us, so I was sent to find him. I came upon his hooch with him still inside and asked Why you still here? The BSM sent me to find you, your not saying much here as I speak, I know its cool here, but why are you sweating so much

ummmmm, is something up, u don't look so good, still not speaking, hmmmmmmm, somethings wrong here, looks down his sleeping bag, hmmmm, appears to be an extra sleeper in your bag, hang on, don't go away, I'll be back with BSM.

Well, did all hell break loose, the officers called the medics whom called Singleton HQ's whom called Westpac which duly was sent,then an audience gathered around Smithy, with hundreds of ways to get Smithy out of his predictiment, from a size 12 on its head, except no-one knew where the head was, then we noticed a liquid permeating out of the bag, did you just bleep yourself Smith ? questioned the BSM, oh thats great, here we are trying to help you and all you think about is relieving yourself

Sgt, bring me an F1, Smith lay still, this won't take long, lets see, legs are here, snake could be here, OK Smith, steady, scrap one sleeping bag and snake,

god-damn, boy can that Smithy move, he was outa that bag before the smoke cleared, cursing and swearing, good thing Gods deaf in these situations otherwise there would have been two deaths, we all sitting back laughing our heads off,exchanging notes between us, oh we are truly bastards, we bet on anything that we feels worth betting on, like for instance when

the second lewie and I cross a minefield in the 6WD tractor and halfway across, I asked the lewie what are the blokes doing, he looked in his binoculars and said taking bets, bastards...............................
AnswerID: 436008

Reply By: Member - Scott H (QLD) - Monday, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:32

Monday, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:32
My mother received a similar visit earlier this year ...


AnswerID: 436031

Follow Up By: SDG - Monday, Nov 15, 2010 at 15:35

Monday, Nov 15, 2010 at 15:35
Years ago I use to go and collect these delightful creatures from peoples homes. Even had the police drive me to the locations when my vehicle was being worked on. Unfortunitly permits, and training courses, affiliations with certain organisations, insurance, etc put a stop to that.

FollowupID: 707256

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