NPWS investigates vandal attack at Bendethra camping ground

Below is a news release from NSW NPWS.
Small wonder they close areas sometimes!!!!!!!!

Please read this and if you can help, do so.
Lets catch these morons.

News Release June 10, 2009
NPWS investigates vandal attack at Bendethra camping ground;

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has launched an investigation into a weekend of rampant vandalism at the Bendethra Camping area within Deua National Park west of Moruya.
NPWS staff carried out a routine inspection of the popular camping ground on Monday and was amazed to see the level of damage wrought on the site.
NPWS Far South Coast Regional Manager, Tim Shepherd, said today he was disgusted by the scale of the attack.
“Bendethra has been a target before but this time they have really caused some extensive damage.
“It would appear that the damage has been caused by a group of trail bike riders and four-wheel drives.
“Random circle work has been carried out in a wet camp ground across the flats.
“A section of Joeys Flat that had previously been used as a ‘mud pit’ by four-wheel—drive and motorcyclists was rehabilitated after previous vandalism earlier this year. This has been effectively reopened and destroyed again over the weekend.
“Silt fencing we installed to rehabilitate a steep section between the homestead paddock and Joeys Flat has been used for ‘hill climbing’ and the hill has been badly trashed.
“As if this wasn’t enough, the interpretation shelter which provides information for visitors about the Bendethra area, its history and natural features has been pulled out of the ground and smashed on the road.
“A broken motorcycle tie-down strap was found tied to one of the shelters uprights and obviously used to rip the shelter down.
“The vast majority of visitors who visit the Bendethra camping area are responsible people who show great care for the area and appreciate what the NPWS tries to do there in providing an amenable camping ground.
“Every now and then we get vandals whose mindless acts of violence destroy the area for everyone.
“We have previously caught and fined people for such acts at Bendethra because of the support from the general public in providing information that helps us catch the culprits.
“I’m hoping some was there to witness and record details so they can let us know who might have done this.
“We will be involving police in this investigation and when we catch those responsible I will make sure that they feel the fullest extent of the law.
“I anyone knows or saw anything in relation to this incident I’d urge them to contact the Narooma office of the NPWS as soon as possible on 44762888,” Mr Shepherd said.
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