12 volt powerbox

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 19:17
ThreadID: 60044 Views:2403 Replies:5 FollowUps:3
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Has anyone seen a box or board which has 2 - 3 hella sockets, cigarette socket, and a circuit Breaker (instead of fuses) for sale, I am looking for one which I can put in the back of the ute (best if the plugs are at the bottom so they dont get dragged out)
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Reply By: nutwood - Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 20:14

Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 20:14
Wouldn't your best bet be to build one yourself? That way it's done correctly and you get the satisfaction of knowing it's done right.
AnswerID: 316623

Reply By: Patrol22 - Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 20:29

Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 20:29
If you can't find what your are looking for 12 volt-wise here then I reckon it doesn't exist.
AnswerID: 316629

Reply By: Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 20:53

Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 20:53
I agree that what you are looking for is better built yourself.

Buy a component box and the parts needed and assemble it the way you would like it.


AnswerID: 316635

Follow Up By: Grungle - Wednesday, Jul 23, 2008 at 07:35

Wednesday, Jul 23, 2008 at 07:35

You produce some very nice gear mate.

Keep up the good work.

FollowupID: 582948

Reply By: vcbb - Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 22:44

Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 at 22:44
Thank you, I didnt want to assemble one and then find out there is one on the market already
AnswerID: 316674

Reply By: Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Wednesday, Jul 23, 2008 at 17:49

Wednesday, Jul 23, 2008 at 17:49
I had a play today in the workshop. It is quite easy to swap over the cigar sockets to hella sockets on our 3 outlet boards. You just need a soldering iron and 3 hands. LOL.


AnswerID: 316776

Follow Up By: lancie49 - Thursday, Jul 24, 2008 at 00:52

Thursday, Jul 24, 2008 at 00:52
OK, so what's the difference between a cig lighter socket and a power socket.
Just the load ?

FollowupID: 583138

Follow Up By: Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Thursday, Jul 24, 2008 at 07:29

Thursday, Jul 24, 2008 at 07:29
Cigar sockets are 21mm and then there are many other shapes and sizes. (Power sockets)

Note: A cigar socket is also a power socket.
FollowupID: 583144

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