UHF use on the Canning Stock Route

Submitted: Monday, Oct 21, 2013 at 16:34
ThreadID: 104810 Views:8548 Replies:18 FollowUps:42
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Together with four other couples we travelled the CSR in July from north to south. What a great trip. The vegetation was something to behold. My wife has hundreds of wild flower photos to sort through. Thoroughly enjoyed the trip, the camp sites, the ever changing views and the company.
The only dark moments we had remembering that it is just a two wheel track, was when we encountered people travelling the other way who did not have UHF or did not know how to use it. We had several close calls on sand hills and in thick brush.
Each morning we reset our trip meter at the nearest well and then called on channel 40 to warn others of our location and direction of travel. At some point we would get a cackling reply only to follow up later and as the reply became clearer we became more cautious about charging over sand hills calling at the foot of each one and the other people would usually reply that they were in a valley and would wait our sighting. It all worked well. After the first 30 minutes it was possible just to call from every 4th or 5th sand hill. No great burden, so why is it not generally understood by everyone that the use of Channel 40 is a safety matter.
On returning home I reviewed the literature and whilst the use of UHF is advised it is not a strong mention. I think it is about time it became if not compulsory at least a strong recommendation to take and use UHF.
After all a head on in that remote location could be a trip stopper for who ever is our leader on that day. With at least 1000 vehicles using the CSR per year it is time to step up the safety a little. I did note that some of the people who we nearly hit were foreigners who obviously didn't have a radio or didn't understand our calls. Maybe the hire people have a roll to play there. (If they know where their 4 x 4's are going).
I am an apprentice retire. Its looking like my most successful career to date.

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