Planning Oodnadatta Trek, Do we visit Halligan Bay?

Good morning all. In the process of planning our itinerary up the Centre via the Oodnadatta Track in early August.
The question at the moment is, do we take the 67 Km side track into Halligan Bay & back? We will see part of lake Eyre South from the Oodnadatta track & are wondering should we go into Lake Eyre Nth. I believe the lake is currently dry. Has anyone been in there recently? I am interested to know, can you walk on the salt pan without bogging up to the knees getting there? If so how far from the car park? The general track conditions weather permitting? I am lead to believe it is very sandy in places.
At this stage planning on Departing Marree in morning & staying at William Creek that night.
Looking forward to your input.
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