ExplorOz Gathering Bush Poem

Thursday, Jul 22, 2010 at 15:43


Michelle and David made the call
Hear ye, hear ye – come one, come all
To the Gunbarrel Laager, is where it’s at
Outside Wiluna, out on the flat!

We emailed Gillian to secure a GREEN patch
And planned to arrive without a scratch
We packed up the kids and the odd pet dog
We hoped to arrive at a fire with a log

We came from near (sort of) – we came from afar
We camped on roadsides
And breasted the odd bar

Greeted by Mal, life was a breeze
Settled in amongst the trees
With a smile, a g’day and a cup of tea
Goat any problems, come see me!

When it came to showers
As promised, they were hot
But we all felt the cold – on that midnight trot

So – campfires abound
New friends found
Stories unwound
As we all sat around
To set up a website was so bold
But technology prevailed
And on they sailed
So raise your glasses
EXPLOROZ is 10 years old!

Member – Adrian C (VIC)


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