Red Mulga, Creekline Miniritchi

Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Acacia
Species: cyperophylla
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


Outback travellers will notice these small trees by the red bark glowing in the sun. Growing along creek and drainage lines is this tall shrub or small tree (up to 7 or 8m tall) of arid areas. Its most distinctive feature is bright red curling bark, called miniritchi. Phyllodes are elongated and almost cylindrical in cross section. Yellow flowers are arranged in cylindrical flower spikes about 2cm long, usually in pairs along branches.


The main flower colour is yellow. Bright red curling bark.

Views (per week)33


Bio Regions

Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD)

Region Specifics

near Mt. Dare

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